Trust in the wisdom of your body
Trust in yourself

My teaching style is influenced by a belief that our bodies have a wisdom which they are patiently waiting for us to find. The path to this discovery lies in the breath which guides and is intertwined with all our movements, emotions and thoughts.

I teach Hatha and Restorative yoga, focusing on the experience of the internal movement & feeling, rather than the appearance of the external shape, drawing my students closer towards an experience of practice which is their own. Teaching with a calm abiding energy, guiding through slow steady movement, reflection and focus, rather than dogma, so my students find their own yoga definition, strength and belief. My classes include moments for meditation and reflection, whether in movement or stillness.

I’m drawn to teachers and teaching influences which echo my belief that we are all part of one wholeness, connected energetically and spiritually to each other and to nature, in an unbreakable link.

I’ve been practising yoga for over 25 years and have been teaching since 2013. I’ve trained extensively with Triyoga in London and have had the pleasure and good fortune to study with Jean Hall, Mimi Kuo Deemer and Anna Ashby - three of London’s wisest teachers and mentors.

I’ve trained in Restorative Yoga with Anna Ashby as well as with Judith Hanson Lasater. Judith is one of the world’s foremost and sought-after teachers who has been influential in introducing Restorative Yoga to a wider audience. Restorative Yoga is a major part of my teaching and my personal practice.

I passionately believe that yoga is for everyone, and have trained with Jivana Heyman and Jo-Ann Lyons - leading lights in bringing yoga to those who live with physical disability.

I’m certified by, and am a member of, British Wheel of Yoga, and am recognised as a teacher by Yoga Alliance UK.